V. 22:7 (85-86): Websites For Traders: DayTradingCoach.com by David Penn
Product Description
Websites For Traders: DayTradingCoach.com by David Penn
Which recommendation haunts fledgling
traders the most? Is it the notion of
having to raise tens of thousands of
dollars in starting capital? Is it the
thought of having to spend hundreds of
dollars on complicated computer hardware
and software in order to be competitive
with other dedicated, high-tech
traders? Maybe it’s the invocation to
find a singular method and stick with it.
… Maybe it’s learning to take small
losses early — even if it means not
making a dime for months. …
I suspect the answer is different for
every beginning trader. But the one recommendation
that has always stymied
people like me is the one that veteran
traders have insisted on for years: “Find
yourself a mentor.” I can’t tell you how
many interviews and articles about “Market
Wizards” describe how a trader’s
father/cousin/uncle/brother/neighbor just
happened to be a 20-year veteran of the
pits, and how key that relationship was to
turning yesterday’s “wet-behind-theears”
trader into today’s Market Wizard.
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