V. 22:2 (86-88): Product Review: Bollinger Band Toolkit by Dennis D. Peterson

V. 22:2 (86-88): Product Review: Bollinger Band Toolkit by Dennis D. Peterson
Item# \V22\C02\0039PRBO.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Bollinger Band Toolkit by Dennis D. Peterson

Have you ever wondered what tools a well-known technical analyst uses for his own trading? This toolkit is a MetaStock plug-in that consists of 42 indicators, three chart templates, nine system tests, six explorations, and four experts. On the plus side, this is the software that John Bollinger uses personally to do his trading. On the minus side, there is no user manual or tutorial, and the printed material, a booklet that comes with the CD, is just 12 pages long, giving only a brief description of each of the 60-plus items.

For toolkit support, users are instructed to contact MetaStock. Instead, I called Bollinger Capital Management and was told that the book Bollinger On Bollinger Bands by John Bollinger should work as a user manual. I read the book and am glad I did. The author communicates extremely well, and I found his writing both entertaining and informative. But did it work as a user manual?

In many ways it did, and I would highly recommend that you purchase and read the book if you want to use this plug-in. However, reading the book won’t tell you everything; there are more items in the toolkit than there are in the book.

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