V. 22:7 (82-84): Elliott Wave Risk And Reward by Tony Beckwith
Product Description
Elliott Wave Risk And Reward by Tony Beckwith
Establish your exit stop strategy before
placing your next trade.
Traders have no business
trading if risk/reward
analysis is not at the top of
their concerns. If a trader
has no idea of the potential
profit return on any given trade relative to the initial risk of taking the
trade at all, his long-term profitability is in
Elliott wave (EW) analysis has come in
for its fair share of criticism over the
years, due at least in part to the inevitable
overcomplication by analysts and the fallibility
of some of their forecasting. However,
by steering clear of these two pitfalls,
some of the basic premises of EW
analysis can be stripped out and used in a
highly consistent risk/reward trade plan.
To evaluate the reward part of the equation,
Elliott wave analysis can help by
pointing to where the reward is likely to
be strong. Accepting the premise of market
movement in EW means accepting the
five-wave sequence that has become trading
Elliott wave theory states that a market
tends to unfold with three impulsive (trend)
waves and two correction waves linking
them. It works this way: wave 1 up, wave
2 correcting down, wave 3 back up to new
highs, wave 4 correcting down, then wave
5 back up to new highs to complete the
sequence (and vice versa).
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