V. 2:2 (81-81): Letters to Technical Analysis
Product Description
Dear Jack:
I enjoy the publication very much. Please find enclosed renewal. I look forward to articles on Maximum
Entropy. Please include a program on this that will run on Compu-Trac, if possible.
Would you also consider an article and a program on equivolume charting?
Your programs on the disk run very well and are very useful. Please let me know how I can modify TRIX
#40 (STUDY.40) so it will run without user inputs so I can use it in procedures. I want to put the inputs
right into the program.
Thanks for the help,
Redwood Falls, MN
Dear D.D.H.,
The Maximum Entropy computer program (actually two sub-routines) will run within the Compu-Trac
system. This will not be very user friendly because of Compu-Trac graphic, variable and memory
constraints. The program will be about as much work to run and interpret as our Fourier spectrum
analysis routine.
The easiest way to get Compu-Trac compatable subroutines is to order our year end Volume 1 disk
(Apple II+ or IIe only). Our published routines try not to rely on Compu-Trac unique BASIC commands.
To use our subroutines in a Compu-Trac automatic procedure (i.e. unattended) all input must be through
the use of a Compu-Trac GOSUB 100. This routine does more than just get input, it also stores and/or
retrieves keystrokes from a text string Generally this means all you have to do is replace our input
routine (GOSUB 1165 in this case) with GOSUB 100.
Please send us a little information about your 'equivolume' charting, the term is not synonymous with
just one technique.
The Editor
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