V. 22:7 (74-80): Interview: Daytrading With Toni Turner by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Interview: Daytrading With Toni Turner by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Toni Turner is the best-selling author of A Beginner’s Guide To
Day Trading Online and A Beginner’s Guide To Short-Term
Trading. An investor/trader with 14 years’ experience, she is a
popular educator and speaker at financial conferences across
the country.
Turner has appeared on NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CNNfn, and
CNBC’s “Power Lunch.” She has also been interviewed on
dozens of radio programs and featured in CBS MarketWatch.com,
Fortune magazine, and Bloomberg Personal Finance. Currently,
she is writing her third book, to be published by St.
Martin’s Press in the spring of 2005. STOCKS & COMMODITIES
Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan spoke with Toni Turner on May
4, 2004.
How did you get into trading?
I started out as an investor
back in early 1991 — I wasn’t
trading back then. I really got intrigued once I found the stock market.
I jumped into the market, I was so excited.
I knew this was where I wanted to
be. I wanted to find out more!
Then by about 1996, I had a commodities
account, and I was invited to
visit the floor of the Chicago Board of
Trading (CBOT). When I saw all the
traders, I was absolutely intoxicated! I
turned around and said, “This is what I
want to do!”
What was the next step?
I started watching a little stock called
Lucent. I noticed that it was going up
three or four points a day. I called my
broker and said: “Here’s a cool idea.
Let’s buy a couple of thousand shares of
Lucent in the morning, and sell it before
the market closes. We’ll have that
money, and the risk will be less, because
I won’t be holding it overnight.”
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