V. 22:6 (63): Quick-Scan: QuoTrek by eSignal by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

V. 22:6 (63): Quick-Scan: QuoTrek by eSignal by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
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Product Description

V. 22:6 (63): Quick-Scan: QuoTrek by eSignal by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Attention, traders! Wireless services are coming your way, and sophisticated services at that, thanks to the convergence of cell phone/PDA technologies and increasing bandwidth. And companies such as eSignal are not wasting any time in taking advantage of these advances in technology. Recently, the company launched QuoTrek, with the objective of bringing real-time charts, data, and news directly to your handheld device.


I was fortunate to be able to try out this new service on a Samsung Pocket PC, and I was impressed with the clarity of the display and the various features. I did notice a five-second delay in the data, but given the benefits of being able to monitor the markets so easily away from a computer screen, those five seconds didn’t matter too much.

Once you log on to QuoTrek, the first thing you see is the quote screen, which you can customize by adding/deleting symbols or columns, and, of course, changing the color schemes. Anyone who is accustomed to eSignal will notice the similar displays such as the pastel-colored volume bars behind the price charts and indicators. You can keep track of up to two portfolios with 15 symbols each.

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