V. 22:3 (66-67, 83): Product Review: HotComm Trader by Matt Blackman

V. 22:3 (66-67, 83): Product Review: HotComm Trader by Matt Blackman
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Product Description

V. 22:3 (66-67, 83): Product Review: HotComm Trader by Matt Blackman

Take a trip to Trader Town! With a population of more than 500 and growing, this community hums 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is a testament to the man and the technology that made it all possible. This town has no buildings, roads, police station, or fire hall, and no one actually lives there. You won’t find it on a map. Its regulars include a number of doctors, lawyers, a brokerage firm CEO, commodity pit traders, well-known book and magazine authors, and members of a whole range of professions in between.

Founded by a man named Ken Wood, this high-tech hamlet can only be reached via the Internet. Better known as “Woodie’s CCI Club” (www.WoodiesCCIClub.com), it is home to a growing population of Netizens who have two things in common: first, they are traders, and second, they all rely on one indicator that their honorary “mayor,” trading teacher, and mentor has used for years to earn a living in the market — the commodity channel index (CCI).

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