V. 22:2 (53): Q&A by Don Bright
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Q&A by Don Bright
2003 Q&A column, in answer to the
question regarding “several strategies,”
you said that people will have a tough
time if they stick to one or two trading
styles. I agree that we should not lean
on systems that are performing the best
in the current market environment. But
if I have tested a system for a long
period of time and if it gives good net
results, then can I not lean on that
system for trading? Why is it necessary
to run two or three systems concurrently?
— Gomu Vetrivel
Interesting question. First off, there
is no system that will work for any
protracted period of time. I have seen
and used many systems over the years,
and what worked last year obviously
won’t work now. Volatility has plummeted
from above 50 to below 10, so it
is safe to assume that any system developed
using old data will have a tough
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