V. 22:5 (28-37): Phase Change Index by M.H. Pee

V. 22:5 (28-37): Phase Change Index by M.H. Pee
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Product Description

Phase Change Index by M.H. Pee

Which phase is your market going through? Find out by using this indicator.

Prices at any time can be up, down, or unchanged. A period where market prices remain relatively unchanged is referred to as a consolidation. A period that witnesses relatively higher prices is referred to as an uptrend, while a period of relatively lower prices is called a downtrend. The phase change index (PCI) is an indicator designed specifically to detect changes in market phases.


Six phase changes are possible, as illustrated in Figures 1–6 (the black line represents the closing prices for a particular period, in this case 35 days). Just how does the PCI differentiate between the six? First, note that in order to trade the market profitably, you will have to hold long positions during uptrends, be short during downtrends, and be flat (or at least remain with the previous position) during consolidations until you are sure of the market direction. Hence, for the scenarios in Figures 1 and 3, you would like to be long (they signal what could be the beginning of an uptrend). For the scenarios in Figures 2 and 4, you would prefer to be short, and for the scenarios in Figures 5 and 6, you would be happy to remain with your position.

So what is the difference between Figures 1 and 3, Figures 2 and 4, and Figures 5 and 6? To find out, draw an imaginary gradient line connecting the starting and ending closing prices for the selected period (see the red line in Figures 1–6). For the scenarios in Figures 1 and 3, note that most of the closes for the period remain below this line. In addition, the gradient line slopes upward.

For Figures 2 and 4, most of the closes were above the gradient line for the chosen period, and the gradient line slopes downward. For Figure 5, most of the closes remain above the gradient line (which is the same as Figures 2 and 4), but its gradient line slopes up instead of down. Finally, Figure 6 shows the majority of the closes below the gradient line (which resembles Figures 1 and 3), but it displays a downward- sloping gradient line.

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