V. 22:2 (109): Quick Scans: Floor Trader’s Tools 8.0 by Matt Blackman
Product Description
Quick Scans: Floor Trader’s Tools 8.0 by Matt Blackman
The night before a two-day seminar put
on by Roy Kelly, I had the opportunity to
meet some of the traders with whom I’d
spoken in some HotComm online trading
chatrooms. We were all excited about
hearing what Kelly had to say, and as
usual, when a bunch of traders get together,
it wasn’t long before the conversation
turned to the topic of trading.
One trader whom I’ll call Mitch began
to speak. He had proven his skill in the
trenches and consistently pulled a respectable
number of points out of the
Standard & Poor’s 500 eminis daily. He
made a nice living doing what he loved.
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