V. 21:7 (91-94): Product Review: QCharts 4.3 by David Penn

V. 21:7 (91-94): Product Review: QCharts 4.3 by David Penn
Item# \V21\C07\159QCRT.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: QCharts 4.3 by David Penn

What defines quality market analysis software? For some, a fundamental organizing principle around which the software is built is important. Not only is this quality important for seamless integration of the various components of the software, but an organizing principle also makes the software easier to both explore and use. So much market analysis software has exciting and innovative components and modules, yet when these components and modules appear to be too significantly different from each other, they often go un- or underused by traders and analysts who might otherwise find these aspects of the software to be exactly what they have been looking for.

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