V. 21:4 (99-101): Product Review: fsXtra Platinum 5.1 by David Penn

V. 21:4 (99-101): Product Review: fsXtra Platinum 5.1 by David Penn
Item# \V21\C04\088XTRA.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: fsXtra Platinum 5.1 by David Penn

FutureSource is second to none when it comes to providing news, market data, and information to professional and institutional- level futures traders. From its beginnings in the late 1970s as a provider of entry-level quote terminals for traders and hedgers in the agricultural markets, to the way it has prospered as a part of Oster Communications in the 1980s and again in the 21st century, FutureSource has been a major player in the futures information朴roviding business since its inception. Today, FutureSource is widely recognized by futures and options traders worldwide as one of the preeminent providers of comprehensive, real-time market information and technical analysis.

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