V. 21:9 (84-89): Interview: Gerald Appel by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

V. 21:9 (84-89): Interview: Gerald Appel by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
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Product Description

Interview: Gerald Appel by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Gerald Appel is perhaps best known as the inventor of the MACD, the popular moving average convergence/divergence indicator. However, he is also the founder of Signalert, a registered investment advisory company; editor of Systems & Forecasts, a newsletter read by money managers, analysts, and private investors worldwide; and an established author and lecturer. His articles have appeared in Smart Money, Money magazine, Barron’s, and STOCKS & COMMODITIES; he is also the author of 10 books on investment and market timing. Finally, Appel has been cited by numerous financial publications and is a regular guest on various financial news networks. The moving average convergence/divergence indicator is a statistical stock market timing model and technical analysis tool that is widely respected and used by traders, investors, and money managers. How is the MACD handling the current markets? STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan spoke with Appel via telephone on July 9, 2003, to find out.

Can you tell us how you got started in trading?

I started out as a personal trader. We’re going back a long way — we’re talking about the mid-1960s. And from my personal trading, it kind of evolved into my doing articles for various magazines relating to investment, and then a series of books relating to investment, and then ultimately to the establishment of my own market planner and money management firm.

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