V. 21:3 (70-76): Product Review: VectorVest by Leslie N. Masonson

V. 21:3 (70-76): Product Review: VectorVest by Leslie N. Masonson
Item# \V21\C06\126PR1.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: VectorVest by Leslie N. Masonson

Bart A. DiLiddo is the developer of VectorVest software, which was first offered to the public in 1995. Over the years the original software has been enhanced, culminating in the latest version (6.0). A product review of the prior release (5.0) was published in the September 2000 STOCKS & COMMODITIES.

VectorVest is a comprehensive, logically laid out, and easy-to-use end-ofday online software program that provides buy, sell, and hold recommendations on 7,662 stocks. Also provided are similar recommendations on the popular indexes, industry groups, and sectors, as well as the more recently available exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Mutual funds and other types of investment vehicles are not monitored by this system. ProGraphics 6.0 and the new online version are nearly identical, but the huge database of stock information resides on your hard drive for ProGraphics, and on the VectorVest site for the online version.

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