V. 21:7 (68-69): Product Review: HotScans by Dennis D. Peterson

V. 21:7 (68-69): Product Review: HotScans by Dennis D. Peterson
Item# \V21\C07\152HOTS.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: HotScans by Dennis D. Peterson

Active traders and swing traders: Help is here. This website package is for you. Keith Schneider, president of DataView and a former floor trader, decided he wanted to start trading again, and searched for a daytrading tool. This led to the development of HotScans, a product that is designed to support daytrading.

HotScans finds bullish or bearish intraday price and volume patterns as they are developing, using as many as three different intraday time frames. You can, of course, look for volume moves or price moves only. If you had a wish list of requirements for finding momentum stocks, HotScans would be the system that makes just about all of your wishes come true.

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