V. 21:4 (66-67): Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile
Product Description
Explore Your Options by Tom Gentile
Would you be so kind to explain what
exactly a butterfly spread is? Thanks —
A butterfly spread is a sideways market
strategy using all calls or puts, and
is designed to profit from a stock trading
in a specific range. They are often
cheap to place, offer high rewards, and
can be profitable within a few days to a
few weeks; so they are ideal for shorterterm
swing traders. The construction of
the spread generally involves selling
(shorting) two contracts in the middle
of a stock range (the body) and buying
two contracts (the wings) on either side
of the short position, one with a higher
strike than the short contracts and one
with a lower strike. (See Figure 1 for a
risk curve.) Your maximum profit on
the trade is the difference between the
short and long strikes, minus the net
debit. Your maximum risk is the total
debit minus the credit received for the
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