V. 21:5 (61-62): Choosing The Right Time Frame by Hal Masover

V. 21:5 (61-62): Choosing The Right Time Frame by Hal Masover
Item# \V21\C05\100MASO.PDF
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Product Description

Choosing The Right Time Frame by Hal Masover

Using multiple time frames has many benefits, but which ones work for you?

A friend once described his perspective on time frames: “People have different definitions of ‘long term,’ ‘short term,’ and ‘intermediate term.’ For me, ‘short term’ is when I get on the phone with my broker and get in and out of a trade before I hang up. ‘Intermediate term’ is when I get into a trade, hang up, then call right back and get out. A long-term trade might be when I get into a trade, get off the phone, go to the bathroom, come back, call the broker, and get out.”

On the other hand, some traders enter positions that can last for years. Clearly, there are very different definitions of “long term” and “short term.”

Most likely your definitions fit somewhere between these extremes. But do you always maintain the same time frame definitions, or do you revise them with different trading methods? How do you find the right time frame for you? Is there a right time frame for you?

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