V. 21:9 (68-71, 93): Product Review: AIQ TradingExpert Pro by David Penn

V. 21:9 (68-71, 93): Product Review: AIQ TradingExpert Pro by David Penn
Item# \V21\C09\194AIQ.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: AIQ TradingExpert Pro by David Penn

I'll admit there is something deliciously old-school about getting trading system software in the mail, in a box stuffed with CDs, a newsletter, a printed users’ guide and technical indicators reference, and a 950-page user reference manual. Sure, in these days of Adobe .pdfs and downloadable everything, there is probably a Lorax somewhere bemoaning the fate of the trees that were turned into these attractive, easy-to-read, and highly informative reference guides. But there’s something reassuring about having professionally assembled, printed documentation in which to look up any problem or challenge that might occur with a given piece of software.

In some ways, this reflects what AIQ Systems has done with its TradingExpert Pro v7.0 software. While there are many traders who find the lure of discretionary trading irresistible, preferring a world of making and trading one’s own buys and sells in the market, there are any number of traders who would just as soon let that glory go to someone else — as long as they can keep the profits and not be too harmed by a few small losses. For these traders, AIQ’s TradingExpert Pro v7.0 — a powerful system for market timing and stock screening using AIQ’s own artificial intelligence algorithms — might be just what the ego ordered.

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