V. 21:11 (34-40): The CCI Trade by Thomas Bulkowski

V. 21:11 (34-40): The CCI Trade by Thomas Bulkowski
Item# \V21\C11\234BULK.PDF
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Product Description

The CCI Trade by Thomas Bulkowski

It’s not when you buy but when you sell that counts. These two trades used the commodity channel index as a sell signal.

Many traders will tell you it’s easy to buy a stock but difficult to sell. When you sell determines whether you make a profit or a loss. A buy and hold strategy in a rising market is a winning strategy — until the trend changes. After that, holding on too long leads to reduced profits and even losses. So when do you sell? The easy answer is that you should sell when prices reach their maximum, but determining that point takes skill and luck. I rarely hit the peak, and sometimes don’t even come close. Sometimes, just getting out with a profit is a blessing.

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