V. 2:1 (17-19): Ganntrader I by George M. Edwards, Jr.
Product Description
Ganntrader I
by George M. Edwards, Jr.
Program and User Guide: Peter A. Pich
Published by: Gannsoft Publishing Co.
311 Benton St.
Leavenworth, WA 98826
Distributed by: Lambert-Gann
P.O. Box 0
Pomeroy, WA 99347
(509) 843-1094
Price: $398.00 Version 1.2B
SUMMARY: Ease of Use: A
Documentation: A
A-Error Handling: B
Vendor Support: A+
Usefulness/Price Ratio: A
Hardware Requirements: APPLE II, II+, IIe Franklin
One Disk Drive, at least
Printer: Dot Matrix (Epson, IDS, C.Itoh Prowriter and APPLE Dot Matrix)
It is rare that one has the opportunity to use software which, because of its excellence, brings smiles and
feelings of real satisfaction to the user and whoever may be observing the operation. This package is one
of those very rare ones! It helps if the user is a 'student' of Gann trading methods, but that is not
absolutely necessary. This software was created by a commodity trader, a student of Gann and an
accomplished computer programmer. This most unusual creative combination furnishes for the first time
a comprehensive package of graphics and number crunching aimed directly at Gann traders. Had this
software package been available three years ago when I purchased the Gann Commodity Trading Course
and subsequently attended one of the first of Billy Jones' Gann Seminars, much frustration and wasted time could have been avoided. Perhaps this program should be required material for anyone
contemplating the study of Gann methods!
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