V. 20:9 (98-101): Product Review: Track ’n Trade Pro by David Penn

V. 20:9 (98-101): Product Review: Track ’n Trade Pro by David Penn
Item# \V20\C09\097pr2.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: Track ’n Trade Pro by David Penn

With so much technical analysis software available, the task of distinguishing even one quality product from another can be daunting — at least on the surface. Assuming a variety of indicators, chart display choices, drawing and analytical tools, throw in a speedy and reliable datafeed and perhaps a system tester or trading simulation utility, and what’s left to argue over besides the personal preferences — those bells and whistles that make a system cherished by one group of traders and loathed by another?

Lan H. Turner, founder of Gecko Software, developers of the Track ’n Trade Pro chart analysis software program, tipped me off to what might be the secret behind Gecko’s approach to competing in this increasingly crowded market. Writing in response to a query about the uniqueness of his Track ’n Trade product, Turner suggested that while a number of companies produce software to study charts, “They seem to be very much emphasizing system analysis, not market analysis.”

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