V. 20:9 (102-105): Product Review: ErlangerQuote by David Penn

V. 20:9 (102-105): Product Review: ErlangerQuote by David Penn
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Product Description

Product Review: ErlangerQuote by David Penn

It’s hard not to raise an eyebrow when the developers of a charting analysis software program as robust as ErlangerQuote (EQ) suggest that the system is as good for beginners as it is for more advanced traders. The pages of testimonials from beginning traders notwithstanding (“I’ve gone through the lessons — one by one,” one ErlangerQuote trader testified. “They are all well written and just what a ‘dummy’ needs”), there is something in the broad array of alert utilities, drawing tools, watchlists, and scanners — not to mention options sheets, Level II screen, user-defined, mathematics-based custom formulas, and what another testimonial positively referred to as “almost endless variations” — that could send more than one shiver down the spine of the average neophyte trader.

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