V. 20:10 (86-89): Conquer The Crash by Robert R. Prechter Jr.
Product Description
Conquer The Crash by Robert R. Prechter Jr.
You Can Survive And Prosper In A Deflationary Depression
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, www.wiley.com
Author: Robert R. Prechter Jr.
It is hard to ignore the idiosyncrasies when studying Elliott wave theory. As I geared up for this review of Conquer The Crash, the latest book from Elliott wave’s chief contemporary practitioner, Robert R. Prechter Jr., I found myself wandering through an earlier work of
his: The Wave Principle Of Human Social Behavior And The New Science Of Socionomics, published in 1999.
Paging through the foreword, I encountered both Prechter’s personal discovery of Stonehenge as an ancient astronomical and cyclical forecasting site, as well as his less than inspiring conclusion that Shakespeare didn’t write his own plays. This, for me, encapsulates one of the major conundrums that
bedevils the layperson’s attempts to grasp Elliott wave analysis: just when you think you are able to embrace its iconoclasm, it presents you with an argument even more audacious than the one before.
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