V. 20:12 (77-78, 118): Product Review: eSignal Market Scanner by Barbara Star
Product Description
Product Review: eSignal Market Scanner by Barbara Star
Traders who want that extra
timing edge look for early
signs of stocks on the
move. Real-time data scans
offer an excellent way to find such potential trading candidates.
These scans have normally been
reserved only for those who subscribe
to an intraday data service, so many
traders who wanted these timesaving searches were out of luck. But
now, even traders without
access to a real-time data
provider can discover stocks
to watch in real time with the
eSignal Market Scanner, a
series of stock searches
available either as an add-on to
an eSignal subscription or as a
stand-alone service. And the
results can be used with a variety of technical analysis programs.
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