V. 20:7 (42-47): A Closer Look At Divergences by Clive Roffey, Ph.D.

V. 20:7 (42-47): A Closer Look At Divergences by Clive Roffey, Ph.D.
Item# \V20\C07\136CLOS.PDF
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A Closer Look At Divergences by Clive Roffey, Ph.D.

In 1972, the investor and well-known goldbug James Dines produced a 600-page treatise called How The Average Investor Can Use Technical Analysis For Stock Profits. I regard this book, unfortunately now out of print, as comparable in the value of its contribution to technical analysis to the classic Technical Analysis Of Stock Trends by Robert Edwards and John Magee. If you can lay your hands on Dines’s work, you should. The first major section, on the application of group and crowd psychology to stock market movement, is especially valuable.

Although the book’s emphasis is on point and figure charting, it also has the most thorough classifications of market tops and bottoms I have come across. In addition, there are numerous general market items of significant interest, such as the relationship of market moves to Presidential elections and the value of the last digit in the year. However, these are not my main reasons for discussing Dines’s book.

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