V. 20:11 (44-45): Q&A by Don Bright
Product Description
Q&A by Don Bright
What are some money management tips
for credit and debit spreads? Specifically,
when should I get out when a spread goes
against me? — Bob Maclaurin
When you have a pure option spread
in place, each option has a theoretical
delta (percent equivalent to shares of
stock; 100 delta = 100 shares of stock).
So when a spread starts to go against you,
you can do a few things. First, of course,
you can get rid of it. Second, you can
adjust your net delta position to near zero
(plus or minus the amount of risk you
want to take on the long or short side for
market movements and individual price
movements) by adding to or reducing the
number of contracts involved.... CONTINUDED
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