V. 20:3 (73-75, 79): Working Money: Those Ubiquitous Fibonacci Ratios by Rudy Teseo
Product Description
Working Money: Those Ubiquitous Fibonacci Ratios by Rudy Teseo
How do I use thee? Let me count
the ways.
What do nature, astronomy, and
the stock market have in
common? They have something
in common you may have heard
of, but never really known what it is: a number
sequence discovered by a 13th-century
mathematician named Leonardo of Pisa and
spelled out in his work Liber Abacci. I doubt
that he ever considered the sequence, later
known as the Fibonacci series — zero, 1, 1, 2,
3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, and so on — would
have the long-lasting effect it did, eventually
finding its way into fields he could not have
even dreamed of, like stock market analysis
and computer programs. But that’s exactly
what happened.
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