V. 20:3 (111): Websites For Traders: www.LitWick.com by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

V. 20:3 (111): Websites For Traders: www.LitWick.com by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# \V20\C03\060LIT.PDF
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Websites For Traders: www.LitWick.com by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan


For all you candlestick enthusiasts, here’s a site that has everything you need to know about candlesticks. Yes, it has charts — candlestick charts powered by Prophet Finance — but wait! There’s more.

There’s the candle query where you can scan the entire database of stocks by selecting a specific trading day, an indicator, a pattern (continuation or reversal), the trend (bullish or bearish), reliability, price range of stock, and volume range. Once you specify the criteria, a list of stocks that meet your requirements will be displayed. A click on any of the symbols will display the chart and detailed quotes.

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