V. 20:2 (97): Traders’ Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc.

V. 20:2 (97): Traders’ Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# \V20\C02\039TIPS.PDF
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Product Description

Traders’ Tips by Technical Analysis, Inc.


The instantaneous trendline described by John Ehlers in his article in this issue can be easily implemented in NeuroShell Trader by using NeuroShell Trader’s ability to call external code segments written in traditional languages such as Basic, C, C++, and Pascal. We’ve created the Ehlers instantaneous trendline in a chart (Figure 1) and you can download a compiled, working version from the NeuroShell Trader free technical support website.

After installing the custom indicator, you can insert it in new charts as follows:

1. Select ‘New Indicator …’ from the ‘Insert’ menu

2. Select the Custom Indicator category

3. Select the Ehlers Instantaneous Trendline

4. Insert the parameters as you desire.

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