V. 20:2 (79, 96): Websites For Traders: DerivativesModels.com and CME.com by J. Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Websites For Traders: DerivativesModels.com and CME.com by J. Gopalakrishnan
When it comes to derivatives, one topic
that frequently pops up is models. This
includes terminology such as Black-
Scholes, binomial, trinomial, geometric,
arithmetic, Monte Carlo — and it’s
enough to scare anybody away from the
world of derivatives. But derivativesmodels.
com has reduced the learning
curve. A glance at the homepage, and
you will realize how many different
derivatives models exist. They are divided
into categories — equity, interest rate,
and credit derivates. Numerous models
are available. I counted 36, and the
website administrators plan on adding
weather derivatives and liquidity options.
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