V. 20:2 (62-64): Websites For Traders: Marketsim.com by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Websites For Traders: Marketsim.com by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Readers have expressed an interest in
websites that simulate trading.
Fortunately, I’ve stumbled upon one
that seems to focus on just that. Although
you can see everything the site has to
offer without registering, your options
increase if you become a subscriber
($8.95 per month).
The site is not a trading game, which
some simulated trading sites are. Instead,
it attempts to create a realistic stocktrading
environment. The homepage is
well laid out and you can access just
about everything from there. Before
starting or making the decision to
subscribe to the service, I recommend
you go through the tutorial. It’s well
done and worth your time. Your next
step would be to go through the
simulation without registering.
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