V. 20:1 (65-66): Q&A by Don Bright
Product Description
Q&A by Don Bright
First, I want to thank you for your efforts
in educating new traders. I’ve reviewed
some of the information available at the
NYSE and Nasdaq websites. There’s a
ton of material to learn from, but I still
haven’t figured out where to find the
symbols representing exchange
members or how to trace their end-of-day
trading activities.
Second, I have to confess that I speak
as a naive equity trader from home with
a three- to five-day perspective. I am
trying to figure out the rules and
participants on the playing field(s). Who
are these players, what are they doing,
what does it mean? What are some of
the intermarket relationships (for
example, WRT futures)?
You sometimes refer to “market
maker.” I am sure that many readers
would appreciate having a better
understanding of who the different
market makers or participants are, and
how individual investors or traders
should interpret their actions. Also, I
would appreciate knowing where I could
find timely information (preferably on
the web) on what the major market
makers such as exchange members are
buying and selling. —Kurbanis Said
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