V. 20:10 (122): Books For Traders

V. 20:10 (122): Books For Traders
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Books For Traders

The Winning Edge 4: Traders’ & Investors’ Greater Success (227 pages, $69.00 hardcover, 2002, ISBN 0934380821), by Adrienne Laris Toghraie, published by Traders Press, Inc.

Okay, you have a good trading system. It gives you signals that prove profitable more than 75% of the time. Your money management program keeps your overall risk to a minimum. So why aren’t you making lots of money? Perhaps what is lacking is the proper emotional outlook. The mental and emotional arena is the focus of this book. Toghraie’s belief in repeating the basics of good trading practices over and over, until they become almost unconscious reactions, is just part of the guidance she brings to the traders and investors who follow her teaching. . .

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