V.17:13 Sept (643-645): Product Review: MESA98

V.17:13 Sept (643-645): Product Review: MESA98
Item# /V17/C13/141PR.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: MESA98 by John Sweeney

The MESA98 program employs complex mathematics to make price predictions, measuring short-term cycles and determining the as cycle or trend. MESA stands for something most of us won’t ever get into: maximum entropy spectral analysis. Still, over the years, software developer John Ehlers has gone further than anyone in explaining how it works — in STOCKS & COMMODITIES articles, in seminars, and at his Website.

Before we look at the results, we’ll need data. MESA98 can read ASCII, CompuTrac, CSI, Ensign, FutureSource, MetaStock, Technical Tools, and TC2000 formats. Figuring this out may take some doing because, right out of the box, MESA98 presents a virtually blank screen, reminiscent of DOS. Click on the question mark icon to do some reading of the program’s instructions. (There is also a version of MESA98 that embeds itself in TradeStation, from which all files in Omega Research’s format may be tapped.)

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