V.15:12: Letters V15:12: Letters to S&C
Product Description
The conventional interpretation of
Bollinger bands is not overbought at the
upper band and oversold at the lower
band, as the Tezels assert in “On using
volatility bands” (STOCKS & COMMODITIES,
October 1997).
Bollinger bands provide a relative
definition of high and low that can be
used in the interpretation of indicators
to arrive at trading decisions. If a tag of
the upper band is accompanied by confirmation
from an appropriately specified
indicator, higher — not lower —
prices are called for. If that same tag
were unconfirmed then lower prices
would be expected. The Tezels’ assertion
is insupportable; tags of the bands
without reference to indicators are meaningless. Further, the Tezels’MAAVPB is nothing more than
an 11-day, 1.7 standard deviation
Bollinger band.
One last note: As the
Tezels correctly observe,
closes outside of the bands
are continuation signals. This
was covered in the earliest
Bollinger band literature.
Thank you for writing. We’d
love to hear more in the form
of an article! —Editor
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