V15:9: Letters to S&C

V15:9: Letters to S&C
Item# \V15\C09\LETTERS.PDF
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Editor, I’m a longtime subscriber to your magazine and enjoy it very much, including especially the reviews of products. There is a related need that your Web site could meet while it would be impractical for a periodical. The product reviews in the magazine are good for an overall view of a product but can-not shine a light on many users’ everyday experiences with the product, including those annoying or efficiency- wasting implementation issues related to usage and configurations, and intangibles such as ease of living with a product and enthusiasm and depth of support options. However, a forum on your Web site could provide information of this sort. Such a forum would benefit you, since I’m sure the discussions would generate ideas for editorial content for the magazine. It would also benefit readers, who could swap information and war stories to help make decisions about products. Finally, it would benefit product vendors, who could get feedback from users by monitoring the discussion, if they wished to do so. Please give this idea some consideration. JOHN CLEVELAND, via E-mail

This idea has been under discussion here for several months. We hope to start a discussion forum about investing techniques and related products sometime in the future. In the interim, you may want to look at news:misc.invest.technical with a news-enabled Internet browser, or misc.invest.technical with a news reader or online service.—Publisher

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