V.17:13 June (618-620): Product Review: Drummond Geometry, Lessons 1-15
Product Description
Product Review: Drummond Geometry, Lessons 1-15
Veteran traders will remember Charles Drummond’s
first book published in 1978, How To Make Money In The Futures Markets — And Lots Of It. Not uncommon for that time, it was made up of hundreds of typed pages with hand-annotated charts, all bound in black
spiroflex. Eight more books by Drummond came out after that, all self-published and covered by a nondisclosure agreement.
Market veterans will be happy to know they can still get the Drummond Geometry course in its classic notebook style, or they can opt for today’s higher-tech CD-ROM format. I preferred the CD-ROM version because Ted Hearne, who has embraced and popularized Drummond Geometry, has synthesized the information considerably, bringing the original 585 pages down to a more concise level. All of the nine original manuals are included as part of the course.
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