V.17:13 July (629-630): Product Review: myTrack

V.17:13 July (629-630): Product Review: myTrack
Item# /V17/C13/134PR.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: myTrack by John Sweeney

Is free a good price? How about real-time data for less than $20 a month? Track Data has gone Internet, and it has done so emphatically.

Its myTrack product is among the most aggressively priced, and the company throws in a lot of goodies with the basics. The datastream itself is international, covering London, Frankfurt, Paris, Stockholm, and Zurich, as well as the US markets. No Asian, Pacific, or South American markets are included. Moreover, it not only does stocks but also includes futures, options, and mutual funds. To boot, myTrack can be used on Macintoshes as well as Windows machines.

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