V.17:13 July (620-622): Product Review: FastBrreak 2.6/FastGraph 2.6
Product Description
Product Review: FastBrreak 2.6/FastGraph 2.6 by John Sweeney
Traders looking to enhance the effectiveness of their
mutual fund and stock switching rules will want
to check out FastBreak and FastGraph, a strategy-testing software suite that uses the data from the ubiquitous FastTrack mutual fund and stock tracking service. This review was written using mutual funds as examples, but the software can apply the same techniques to individual stock trading.
FastTrack itself can be used for fund ranking and, therefore, switching. The investor/speculator picks a list of funds he’d like to trade within and ranks them using FastTrack’s facilities. Typically, when a fund drops out of, say, the top five slots in the list, it is sold and the fund that replaces it, or the top-performing fund overall, is bought.
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