V.17:13 Feb (590-91): Product Review: The Profile Analyzer

V.17:13 Feb (590-91): Product Review: The Profile Analyzer
Item# /V17/C13/119PR.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: The Profile Analyzer by John Sweeney

What happens after gaps in cattle? Or bonds? Or economic reports that produce unexpected results? Not just what you recall but, statistically, what actually happened? If you’re a futures trader, Profile Analyzer may have some answers, using experience from 1991 forward as your guide. Profile Analyzer will dump a database of data, text, and pricing on your hard drive and then query it for events as you specify. For example: bond pops. If they go to new highs, do they keep going? Well, it turns out they do, but how do you know that? Some homework was required.

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