V.17:13 Aug (631-632): Product Review: DTN.IQ

V.17:13 Aug (631-632): Product Review: DTN.IQ
Item# /V17/C13/135PR.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: DTN.IQ by John Sweeney

The rush to the Internet has brought many stalwart data suppliers, among them DTN. DTN grew accustomed to delivering value when supplying farmers with commodities data; the service later expanded into energy and financial services. Its latest product is DTN.IQ, which seeks to deliver by Internet everything that formerly charged down from satellites or over fiberoptics and copper to your PC.

DTN.IQ has been live for more than a year at this point. There is no printed manual; there is an online manual, however, which can be accessed from the main toolbar. There’s little effort involved in operating the program. The only thing to get used to is that each service (such as news, charts, quotes, and so forth) is in a separate window. The advantage to this approach is total freedom to arrange information on your screen; the only downside is clutter if you don’t take the time to arrange things on your screen.

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