V.17:13 April (612-613): Product Review: Trade Simulator Pro

V.17:13 April (612-613): Product Review: Trade Simulator Pro
Item# /V17/C13/127PR.pdf
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Product Description

Product Review: Trade Simulator Pro by John Sweeney

Trade Simulator was begun as a way to educate brokerage customers who needed some rationale for their trading. Traders Network, a full-service and discount brokerage firm, developed the program to train customers in the technical side of things. Over time and with some programming talent behind it, the program grew into a nifty, commercially viable futures training vehicle.

You can download Trade Simulator Pro from the Traders Network Website for a five-day trial. That version offers only a limited amount of datafiles, though once you’ve tried it, you can order the program on compact disc to install the real thing, and if you choose, you can access the Traders Market Center and the continuous historical data the company makes available.

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