V. 19:14 June (69-73): Product Review: TradingExpert by John Sweeney

V. 19:14 June (69-73): Product Review: TradingExpert by John Sweeney
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Product Description

Product Review: TradingExpert Version 6.0 by John Sweeney

AIQ Systems released this, the latest version of its TradingExpert platform, in March 2001. Version 6.0 supports colored chart bars identifying specific conditions and several new drawing tools, and the formulary has been bulked up with oftrequested improvements. In addition, real-time subscribers can now have alerts sent to them by e-mail.


Installation was the usual snap. You’ll need to call AIQ for a key that locks the software to your machine. Second, you’ll need to sign on to myTrack. Third, you’ll need to get a Dial Data account to update your historical information. These are three different processes. Each works fairly well, but the historical data download could take a good chunk of time, depending on how far out of date your data is. To speed things up, you can create a list of the specific equities you want and just update that list. ...

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