V. 19:14 July (62-65): Product Review: NeuroShell Trader by David Penn
Product Description
Product Review: NeuroShell Trader With Fuzzy Pattern Recognizer by David Penn
NeuroShell Trader’s Fuzzy
Pattern Recognizer (FPR),
a module of NeuroShell
Trader, looks to accomplish
two tasks that have vexed
traders working with computerized
systems. The first is to develop a system
that will scan price data series for
particular patterns or setups that can be
traded. The second, much more
complicated task is to tune that system
so it is able to catch near-misses and
close-enough situations, and not leave
too many good trades unexecuted.
Many aspects of price behavior can
be relatively easy for one person to
communicate to another. If you read
that “price falls sharply, then holds,
then resumes steep descent,” you could
probably picture in your mind’s eye
some chart that fits this description. But
such perfectly good, perfectly clear
English is often fuzzy to the coding of a
computer program. ...
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