V. 19:14 Jan (80-81, 97): Product Review: HotTrader 2.081 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Product Review: HotTrader 2.081 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
There is no doubt that software
that automates swing chart
drawing benefits the Gann
swing chartist. If you have
attempted to draw these charts manually,
you know exactly what I’m talking
about. To address the needs of swing
charting enthusiasts, the developers at
HotSwings.com created HotTrader, a
Gann swing charting program for trading
securities. Users told me that when it
comes to swing trading, there is no
other product that even comes close.
The product is a favorite among Gann
traders who swear that the real secrets
of Gann can be found in these charts.
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