V. 19:14 Jan (50-53, 95-97): Product Review: Wealth-Lab.com by John Sweeney

V. 19:14 Jan (50-53, 95-97): Product Review: Wealth-Lab.com by John Sweeney
Item# \V19\C14\172PR.PDF
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Product Description

Product Review: Wealth-Lab.com by John Sweeney

Can a Website rate a full review in STOCKS & COMMODITIES? In the past, we’ve inspected software in depth, software that ran on your personal computer (and mine). Now, “your” software may run partly on your machine, partly on another machine, and gather data from yet third. All this, of course, is done over the Internet and you don’t care what the process is as long as the results end up on your screen, the way you want it. Such a site is Wealth-Lab, the first Internet site I’ve run across that offers fully programmable indicator and systems development capability right on the Net.


Why is programming such a big deal? It’s the ultimate in control of your indicators and the trading rules you want to employ. Depending on the power of the language used (and the relative scarcity of bugs in its implementation), you can express ideas more elaborate than the typical crossing of moving averages. There’s always a limit to the power, but developments with applications like TradeStation, TechniFilter Plus, WaveWi$e, NeuroShell Trader, SmarTrader, MetaStock, TradeLab, Ensign, BioComp, and Stratagem have shown there is little limit to the imagination of individual traders.

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