V. 19:14 Feb (93-97): Product Review: Advance GET Real-Time 1.2 by Rex S. Takasugi

V. 19:14 Feb (93-97): Product Review: Advance GET Real-Time 1.2 by Rex S. Takasugi
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Product Description

Product Review: Advance GET Real-Time 1.2 by Rex S. Takasugi

Real-time quotes and charts are readily available on the web, often for free. Why, then, would someone spend $2,520 a year (plus data costs) for real-time charts and technical analysis? Having spent some time with Advanced GET Real-Time (GET RT), I can give you many reasons why serious traders are using GET RT in their day-today trading. Just as a Rolls-Royce has many features to make driving more comfortable, enjoyable, and safer, GET RT has many features to make trading more enjoyable and hopefully, profitable for traders. As proof, GET has had its share of STOCKS & COMMODITIES’ Readers’ Choice Awards in the past seven years.

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