V. 19:14 Feb (45-47): Product Review: Investor/RT by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Product Description
Product Review: Investor/RT by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Most trading programs aim
to be everything to
everybody and do not
provide the personalized
service many appreciate.
Personalized service differentiates
Investor/RT from its competitors and in
turn inspires loyalty in its customers,
many of whom use it exclusively for
their trading decisions. In addition, it
a cross-platform program compatible
with both Macintosh and Windows.
Installation procedures vary, depending
on your operating system. I used the
Windows operating system and had the
option of either installing via the Internet
or CD-ROM. Macintosh users have the
same options. Stuffit Expander is needed
to decompress the Mac installer after
downloading from the Linnsoft website.
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