V. 19:14 Dec (94-95, 111): Product Review: TradeStation 6 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

V. 19:14 Dec (94-95, 111): Product Review: TradeStation 6 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
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Product Description

Product Review: TradeStation 6 by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

TradeStation, long known as the Goliath of the trading software industry, just keeps churning out new and improved software. Of course, they don’t really have any other option if they want to retain their dominance. The company has gone through a complete reorganization and has every intention of eliminating the numerous complaints it has received in the past, specifically regarding its technical support. Regardless of the surrounding pessimism of some users, it still has the hearts of many traders and will continue to win them with TradeStation 6, a professional trading platform for active traders.

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