V. 19:12 (96-97, 110-111): Threshold Trading Revisited by Rudy Teseo
Product Description
Threshold Trading Revisited by Rudy Teseo
An introduction for newcomers or a
refresher for old-timers: Here are a couple
of tools we sometimes forget to use.
In trading jargon, the
“threshold” refers to
the presignal area of
indicators — the area
above or below the
limits set in threshold-crossing
indicators. The relative strength index
(RSI) and stochastics are probably the
best known threshold-crossing
indicators and are great for creating
entry and exit trading signals. The
presignal areas — the “thresholds” —
are useful for knowing when to act,
whether you’re buying or selling.
The relative strength index (RSI),
developed by J. Welles Wilder, is a
single-component oscillator that ranges
between zero and 100%. This oscillator
actually measures the ratio of recent
upward price changes to downward
price changes within the same security
over a specified period, which Wilder
defined as 14. Since then other periods
have been suggested — mainly three,
nine, and 25. When the up and down
movements are equal, the RSI is at 50%.
When U>D, the indicator will be
somewhere between 50% and 100%.
When U
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